Student Leadership

Middle Years Student Voice

Middle Years Student Voice Group is a committee of middle years students who represent the Middle Years' student body from Years 7 to 9. Students are self-nominated and selected through an interview process. Two Middle School Captains and two Vice Captains are also elected to support the team.

Middle Years Student Voice meet weekly, in a formal meeting environment to build leadership skills and be a voice on behalf of their peers. Middle Years' students sub-group also have the choice to be part of an Environmental Committee meeting on the alternate week within the meeting time. This forum provides students with the opportunity to make improvements to our environment at Heathfield High School. If you would like to know more about the Middle Years Student Voice, please contact Year Level Leader for Year 8 via Reception.

Senior Years Student Voice

The Senior School Student Voice committee is comprised of students from Years 10 to 12 who meet weekly to represent the whole cohort of Heathfield High School. The meetings are chaired by our School Captains and/or designated leaders of student voice. The team follow an agenda and meetings are minuted by one of our senior students.

Issues discussed include fundraising, events, student wellbeing, uniform, school facilities and leadership. 

Annual events that Senior Years Student Voice organise or attend include -

• Charity collections

• Supporting community events

• Leadership training

• Fundraising for projects to improve student life

Through their involvement with student voice, the students gain knowledge on how to run a formal meeting, how to plan events using multiple strengths within a group, learn compassion for others, and how to take action to make a difference. Many of these skills will serve them well in future employment and day-to-day life. Heathfield High School is very proud of what the Student Voice Committee has achieved and each member is congratulated for their participation.