
Year 7 Enrolment Process

The enrolment process for year 7 is managed by the Department for Education. Students in year 6 in government primary school are automatically issued with a ‘Starting Secondary School’ application pack from their primary school in April/May of year 6.

Those attending a non-government school need to request an application pack (including the ‘registration of interest for placement in year 7’ form) by emailing Education.StartingSecondarySchool@sa.gov.au.

You can apply to enrol at your zoned school or can opt to be considered for a non-zoned school.

More details on the application process can be found here - https://www.education.sa.gov.au/parents-and-families/enrol-school-or-preschool/school-enrolment/starting-secondary-school

Year 8-12 Enrolment Process

In zone year 8-12 enrolment enquiries (and year 7 if the year has commenced)

As a zoned school under enrolment pressure, we can offer enrolment to those who live within our zone, however there may be restrictions on the subjects that can be offered.

To be considered for in zone enrolment, please complete the expression of interest form by clicking here.

Out of zone year 8-12 enrolment enquiries (and year 7 if the year has commenced)

Heathfield High School is sometimes able to take enrolments for students who do not live in our school zone, depending on student numbers in each year level. If you would like to be considered for an ‘out of zone’ enrolment, please complete the form below. You can request an enrolment to start either this year or next year.

Students who complete this form will most likely be placed on a wait list and will be notified if a placement becomes available.

Do not fill out this form for year 7s to begin next year – see above for the year 7 enrolment process.

If you wish to be considered for an 'out of zone' enrolment, please complete the expression of interest form by clicking here.

To check your zoned school, please check this link - https://www.education.sa.gov.au/parents-and-families/enrol-school-or-preschool/find-a-school-zone-or-preschool-catchment-area

Special entry programs

Students who wish to apply for Heathfield High School's Special Interest Volleyball Program or Entrepreneurial Pathways Program at year 7 need to submit an application prior to the published closing date. Entry to these programs are very competitive. You can find further information about these programs including application details and dates on our website. 

Special Interest Volleyball Program - https://www.hhs.sa.edu.au/volleyball

Entrepreneurial Specialist Learning Pathway - https://www.hhs.sa.edu.au/entrepreneurial-home


Proof of residence

To ensure that the enrolment process is fair and equitable to all students, especially where some secondary schools are at or nearing their capacity, it is important that residency details are correct.

The following information is required to verify proof of residence:

If you own your home, proof documents must include:

  • copy of the contract of sale for the property, or a recent council rates notice and a recent gas or electricity bill for that property.

Please note, the provision of a contract of sale or council rates notice on its own is not considered to be sufficient. The property may have been purchased by the parent/guardian and rented to other occupants. This is why a copy of a recent gas or electricity bill is also required.

If you rent your home, proof documents must include:

  • a rental agreement and a bond receipt lodged with Consumer and Business Services showing the current place of residence
  • a recent gas or electricity bill for that property.

For the purpose of zoning, the rental agreement needs to cover at least 12 months of the student's first year at school. Both the agreement and bond receipt will need to be provided in order to satisfy this criterion.

The renting of a room/s for your child at a property is not considered to be a primary residence. Families must rent an entire property for it to be considered their primary residence.

If the student is living with a relative or friend, you will need to send supporting documentation such as a parenting order from the Family Court confirming the relative or friend is the formal full-time carer of the student.

Generally, a statutory declaration on its own is not considered sufficient evidence.

It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to verify that the information provided is true and factual.

The school principal is responsible for determining whether proof of residence has been satisfied.

If you have further queries, please email dl.0926.info@schools.sa.edu.au