Entrepreneurial Special Entry Pathway

Students are able to apply to become part of our entrepreneurial specialisation at year 7 and 8. The pathway is integrated through the Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) Learning Area. Students use Problem, Project and Inquiry Based Learning to explore and understand what it means to be entrepreneurial, and the mindsets required to be successful.

Students have a number of important, engaging and exciting experiences at each year level throughout the pathway. These are unique to the Special Entry cohort and enable them to develop their entrepreneurial capabilities and capacity.


Year 7 students in the special entry pathway will be together for Humanities as well as LIFT and Empowering Futures (1 Semester). Students in Year 7 will also participate in the World Peace Game, Young Change Agents Explorer Program and to explore their own Passion Projects to begin bringing their own ideas and interests to life.


Year 8 students in the special entry pathway will be together for Global – Humanities as well as LIFT and will undertake the Young Change Agents $20 Boss program to help develop the entrepreneurial capabilities and develop their financial literacy. They will have the opportunity to attend the Space Discovery Centre to aid in the development of their teamwork and leadership skills whilst also meeting local entrepreneurs working out of Lot 14.


Students continuing in the entrepreneurial pathway through year 9 will have several additional activities to explore social entrepreneurship in the community and develop their own social enterprise. They will also support the school’s international focus via the “Bringing the Adelaide Hills to the World” program. This will be achieved through engagement with local industries and working on exciting programs such as Mt Barker Shopping Centre, AusOcean, Jurlique and National Parks and Wildlife Service.

They will also have an opportunity to continue to develop their teamwork and leadership skills through the adventure room excursion.

YEAR 10:

Throughout year 10, students will participate in the Young Change Agents Digital Boss Program that will allow students to continue to explore their passions and unique interests or enterprises using the SACE Business and Innovation Framework. This will result in the completion of a 10-credit SACE Stage 1 in Business Innovation.

During their geography unit, the Year 10 class will be invited to a 4 day camp in Whyalla to attend the “Cuttlefest” to snorkel with the cuttlefish in the ocean and tour the local businesses and industries.

Video 1: World Peace Game (April)

Video 2: World Peace Game (ABC)

Video 3: $20 Boss Program https://youtu.be/e7a3NZtiIZY

Video 4: Young Change Agents: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-08/entrepreneurial-girls-create-talking-teddies-for-firefighters/12025898