Senior Years

Subject Information

Information about individual subjects is available by year level and then subject area, in alphabetical order. Please select the relevant year level below.

    Year 10

    Year 11

    Year 12

    All subject costs are subject to approval, are approximate and subject to change in 2025.

    Subject Flowcharts

    To see how subjects are connected between year levels, please refer to the subject flowcharts below.



    The Arts


    Cross Curriculum










    Health and Physical Education





    The curriculum at Heathfield High School develops a range of learning skills for students, supporting their continuing development as independent, resilient young adults, prepared for further learning and life beyond school. We believe it is important to carefully consider each child’s learning style in order to provide a program that will motivate and stimulate students.

    It is the strongly held view of this school community that the quality of teaching and learning is intrinsically linked to the strength of the relationships between students and teachers. Teachers at Heathfield High School are passionate and committed to working with students in helping them understand and articulate what they learn, how they learn, how their achievements are assessed and the relevance and connections between their learning and possible futures, in school and beyond.

    The importance of technology in learning cannot be understated. We believe that technology will push the boundaries of students’ thinking, making them aware of their role and responsibilities as global citizens, preparing them for a world in which the technologies we can only dream of are yet to be developed. Therefore, highlighting the importance of thinking laterally and creatively about curriculum and flexible learning pathways for students.

    Our holistic curriculum is challenging, innovative, rigorous and entrepreneurial. Students at Heathfield are successful in identifying and pursuing their post school pathways, University, TAFE, Apprenticeship, Employment. Heathfield High School has a dynamic Vocational Education Training (VET) program linked with Adelaide Hills Student Pathways (AHSPs) partnership. The number of students participating in VET programs continues to increase. Our SACE results and university entrance scores are above state average; there, we provide students with strong foundations for future pathways.